Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reading is fun!

With the technology explosion, ways for readers to connect and find reading material that they love at a touch of the finger has become easy. This week I am going to share  links to some fun places.

1.  10 social networks for readers
This article was written a couple of years ago, so the links to Nook Friends and inReads do not work, but all the rest do. I  had no idea there were so many quality places for readers to gather!

2.  Literature games

Play games based on classic or popular books such as the Harry Potter series, Huckleberry Finn, Wuthering Heights, etc.

3. Reading activities

Lit2Go  posts stories online, has audio versions available and "student activities" which involve quizzes or writing activities based on their posted stories from classical literature.

4.   Discussion - debate forum

Not everyone cares to join a social book network, so forums such as a the one above are a nice choice for those who don't want  tracking cookies clogging up their computer.

5. Quizzes!

This site has quizzes about popular books, authors, a reading personality quiz as well a test to test your reading speed. Surprisingly, in spite of only containing 5 questions, the reading personality quiz pegged me perfectly. Try it yourself and tell me what you think.